Thursday, November 11, 2010

Assignment 3

For my third assignment in my English 101 class I have to write a paper that analyzes a commercial or print ad. I decided to pick a commercial about the new Call of Duty video game, Black Ops. The commercial is a bunch of different people of all different job occupations in the game shooting guns. There is of both men and woman: a doctor, business man, Kobe Bryant (professional basket ball player), fast food workers, construction workers, and more. The commercial shows that any one can play. At the end of the commercial the last person they show is the fast food worker with two guns walking shooting everyone, and I like how they did that because even people who have a low job occupation can be better than a surgeon. After showing the fast food worker the screen turns black and says there's a soldier in all of us.

Lauren : )

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I think this is a great ad to talk about in your paper. I have seen the commercial and I understand the importantance in the message it is conveying. Anyone is capable of fighting for something they belive and everyone seems to be equal. A fastfood worker can fight just as well as a doctor. "There's a Soldier in All of Us" is a great, memorable ending. It leaves the viewer thinking about the game and maybe their ability to fight in it. Good luck on your 3rd assignment. I know you'll do great :)
