Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The link I am writing about is the second video,, this video showed how this boy learned all sorts of instruments and met friends. I liked how it wasn't just about instruments it connected to finally meeting friends. He didn't just get any friends, he found friends who have the love of music in common with him. Watching this video also helped me out for ideas on what I can do for my Visual Literacy Narrative of becoming cheer captain of my High School squad, but also the family of sisters I now have from being on the team. My girls mean everything to me and there's no other group of girls like them.

: )

Monday, September 20, 2010

Visual Literacy Narrative

For my visual literacy narrative I am planning on making a movie of pictures on movie maker that lead up to me becoming captain of my high school cheerleading squad. In this movie I will include pictures of my team from the different years building up to my senior year when I was announced captain. The pictures will range from practices, to games, to competitions. I will also include a small part of an injury I had that kept me from competing my Junior year, but the injury taught me a lot about myself. Making this video will also help me with my major, communications with a focus on media, because I will be practicing working with different movie making programs.

Lauren : )